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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

January 3 Zodiac Birthday: Sign, Personality, Health, Love & Lucky Numbers

Capricorn January 3 Zodiac: Hard work, sacrifice, and love for what you do separate successful people from others

Author’s Note: The zodiac for January 3 born people is Capricorn which is the 10th sign of the zodiac wheel. Overall, January 3 people tend to be high-achieving, hardworking, and determined people who can also be very stubborn, inflexible, and snobbish.

Capricorns are symbolized by the sea goat, a mythical creature. Its symbol is meant to show how determined Capricorns are to reach their goals and do well in life.

Capricorns are ruled by the planet Saturn, which is also considered a cardinal sign. Because of their cardinal sign status, Capricorns are initiators of change. They are always motivated and productive.

January 3 Zodiac Birthday: Sign, Personality, Health, Love & Lucky Numbers
January 3 Zodiac Birthday: Sign, Personality, Health, Love & Lucky Numbers
January 3 Zodiac SignCapricorn
January 3 BirthstoneGarnet
January 3 Ruling PlanetSaturn and Mercury
January 3 ElementEarth
January 3 Lucky DayThursday and Saturday
January 3 Lucky ColorsPurple and Grey
January 3 Lucky Numbers3 and 4
January 3 Zodiac CompatibilityTaurus, Scorpio, and Leo
January 3 Birthday Highlights


The birthstone for Capricorn natives born on January 3 is Garnet. Garnet is a member of the silicate family of minerals. They can be red, green, black, or even colorless. It is commonly considered the birthstone for people born in the month of January.

Garnet, its influences, and its healing powers

1) Garnet brings luck to its wearers.

2) Its energies encourage people to achieve their goals and become successful in their professional and personal lives.

3) If January 3 natives are surrounded by hostile forces, astrologers recommend that they wear garnet jewelry because it reduces enmity and tension.

4) It will even keep you safe on your travels.

5) Its healing powers will help you deal with suppressed emotions, treat your depressed state of mind, and provide calming stability in your life.

6) Garnet is also known for stimulating the metabolism and keeping diseases related to the blood, lungs, and heart at bay.

Ruling Planet

January 3 natives are primarily ruled by the planet Saturn. However, Mercury also has a significant impact on January 3 natives. When Saturn returns, it reminds Capricorns that it is only human to have limitations.

Not everything is within our control or our reach. We only possess the ability to achieve earthly success. When it comes to the human body, Saturn is associated with our skeleton structure and bones.

Saturn is generally associated with honesty, authenticity, and realness. On the other hand, Mercury is associated with intellectualism, mental agility, and communication abilities.

Mercury tends to be the force behind January 3 natives’ keen eye for detail and sense of order.

The combination of influences from Mercury and Saturn makes these Capricorn natives curious, intelligent communicators, logical, and determined. It also makes them mature, perfectionists, and ambitious.


Earth is the element associated with people born on January 3. The earth element is connected to the bodily senses and is very grounded. Capricorns associated with this element are realistic, productive, and have achievable goals. This element’s extreme energy leads to a lack of balance in people’s lives and could lead them to become hoarders, petty, boring, stubborn, and workaholics.

Lucky Numbers

3 and 4 are considered the luckiest numbers for January 3-born natives. Number 3 is the number of charisma, and its energy helps Capricorns develop a good sense of humor and a witty personality.

On the other hand, number 4 helps Capricorns born on this date develop a stronger personality with balance, stability, and patience.

Lucky Days

The luckiest days for January 3-born natives are Saturday and Thursday. Thursday, which is ruled by Jupiter, represents luck, success, and generosity. On the other hand, Saturday, which is ruled by Saturn, represents honesty, effort, and simplicity.

Lucky Colors

The most auspicious colors for January 3 natives are purple and gray. Wearing clothes and jewelry that incorporate the colors purple and gray helps Capricorns born on this date make decisions more easily and detach more easily. It also helps attract wealth, prosperity, and power into their lives.

Personality of People Born on January 3

Capricorns born on this date know how to curate their public image. Therefore, they happen to do very well in social situations and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those who need their help.

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
VisionariesSore losers
January 3 Birthday Traits


Not only are people born on January 3 visionaries, but they also possess the strength and determination to bring their vision to life.

When it comes to achieving goals, Capricorns born on this date show perseverance even when they face many obstacles and stay focused on the task at hand.

Generally, January 3 natives are realistic, persistent, and grounded people.


Capricorn natives born on January 3 are extremely set in their ways. They are stubborn, rigid, and unwilling to accept defeat when proven wrong.

Their greatest weakness happens to be their obsession with money and material possessions, which drives them to prioritize work over other aspects of life.

They are high achievers, but they are also sore losers. Failing at a task can make them severely depressed, as they are not willing to accept failure.

January 3 Zodiac Characteristics


Capricorn natives born on January 3 tend to be very aloof people who like to spend time alone. They lack the ability to be happy and enjoy life; therefore, they come across as emotionally unavailable people.

However, when they eventually find a person who can make them change their perspective and bring some love into their lives, then they turn into the most committed and loyal partner that is dedicated to putting in the effort to make the relationship work.

January 3 Zodiac Compatibility

Aries: Capricorn natives born on January 3 and Aries natives share a healthy relationship with each other. Both partners have mutual confidence in their ability to confide in one another.

Taurus: Capricorns born on January 3 and Taurus natives organically form a sweet and harmonious connection with each other. They are a great match and tend to stick together because they share a lot of the same values.

Gemini: Geminis and people with birthday on 3rd January have nothing in common and have completely opposite personalities. While Geminis are more spontaneous, Capricorns tend to be planners who like to carefully make their decisions.

Cancer: Capricorns born on January 3 form a highly compatible partnership with Cancerians, even though they have diametrically opposite personalities.

Leo: Leos and Capricorn natives born on January 3 form an awkward and aimless couple. Both of them like to be at the center of everybody’s attention and assume the position of authority in social situations. And because of this, they clash quite often.

Virgo: People born on January 3 and people with the Virgo sign are a good match because they both have the same values, are smart, and want a trustworthy partner.

Libra: Capricorns born on January 3 and Librans form an extremely problematic couple who will forge a tense and uncomfortable connection with each other. 

Scorpio: People whose birthday is on January 3 share an amazing connection with Scorpios. They are both equally goal-oriented, driven, and ambitious.

Sagittarius: Sagittarians and Capricorn natives born on January 3 are incompatible with each other because their different personalities always clash with each other.

Capricorn: January 3 natives do extremely well in a relationship with other Capricorns because they enjoy each other’s company and push each other to achieve their goals.

Aquarius: Aquarians and people born on January 3 make an incompatible pair. Capricorn’s controlling behavior can easily irritate Aquarians, who are free-spirited.

Pisces: People born on January 3 are really compatible with Pisceans. Their connection with their Piscean partners is strong, friendly, and harmonious.


Capricorn natives born on January 3 are natural foodies with a proclivity towards sweet and unhealthy food.

Their unhealthy eating habits, combined with the fact that they prefer and prioritize work over physical activity, can lead to obesity and a variety of health problems down the road.

Prioritizing work over physical activity and rest can leave them exhausted, irritated, and stressed. All of these things can adversely affect their mental health, make them unpredictable and impatient, and cause them to lose their patience in front of people.

Career & Finance

When it comes to their financial situation, January 3-born natives have everything under control. They know where to spend, where to invest, and how to make money.

Because of their shrewdness, determination, and persevering nature, January 3-born natives tend to do well in a smaller business setting where they can command control over the operations instead of a big business.

They also do well in a self-employed situation because they are highly motivated and don’t need to be managed. They’ll do well in the entertainment industry or as an educator, social worker, or career counsellor.

Family and Friends

For most Capricorn natives born on January 3, their childhood is filled with great memories with their parents. However, their parents may have put tremendous pressure on them to succeed as young children, and this made them extremely competitive and jealous of other people’s success.

As parents themselves, Capricorn natives born on this date try to rectify the damage their parents did by trying to be a better and more positive influence on their children. They are supportive, affectionate, and rational parents.


Astrologers advise most January 3-born people to take care of their mental and physical health. Capricorns born on this day are hustlers who prioritize the grind more than their health. Therefore, they must learn to rest, practice self-care, exercise, and eat healthy food as a way to reward themselves for their hard work.

Famous Birthdays on January 3

Famous celebrities born on January 3 are Florence Pugh, Greta Thunberg, Eli Manning, and Stephen Stills.

Tarot Cards

January 3 is associated with the “High Priestess,” “Queen of Pentacles,” and “Three of Pentacles.”

High Priestess: The High Priestess is a Major Arcana card in the tarot deck. The high priestess is wearing a blue robe and a crown that are very similar to the crown worn by the Egyptian goddess Hathor. She has a crescent moon at her feet, and her hands are resting on her hands. If this card is pulled in the upward direction, then it symbolizes mystery, secrets, the woman who interests the querent, and the future as yet unrevealed.

If this card is pulled in the upward position by a man, then it represents the querent herself. However, if the card is pulled by a female in the upward position, then it symbolizes wisdom, science, tenacity, mystery, and silence. When this card is upside down, it stands for superficial knowledge, moral or physical fervor, passion, and arrogance.

Queen of Pentacles: The Queen of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana card that depicts a woman sitting on a stone throne decorated with carvings of fruit trees, angels, goats, and other symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. The woman is cradling gold coins in both hands and looking at them with loving care, which is the symbol of wealth and material success. When this card is upright, it represents providing financial support, being a working parent, being practical, and being nurturing. And the reverse of this card represents self-care, work-home conflict, and financial independence.

Three of Pentacles: The Three of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana card that shows a young stonemason working on a portion of a cathedral with his tools. Two architects are standing in front of him, holding the design plans. Their body language insinuates that this young man is an essential contributor to the cathedral’s completion, and the architects want to make sure that everyone is on the same page. When this card is in the upright position, it represents implementation, collaboration, learning, and teamwork. The reverse of this card represents working alone, disharmony, and misalignment.


Even though Capricorn natives born on January 3 tend to have a pessimistic worldview, they are still full of energy and enthusiasm. They are always ready to tackle any obstacle that stands in their way of achieving their goal. They are very self-aware, like being alone, and have an immaculate work ethic.


I am Namrata, a gifted astrologer and numerologist with over 10 years of experience. My intuitive abilities and unique blend of astrology and numerology provide insightful and empowering readings for women navigating life’s challenges and seeking their true purpose.